by adnan | okt 2, 2015 | Nekategorisano
Konvencija Vijeća Evrope o prevenciji i borbi protiv nasilja nad ženama i nasilja u porodici (“Službeni glasnik BIH” broj 15/13) je usvojena 11. maja 2011. godine u Istambulu.Naime, nakon niza preporuka Vijeća Evrope o zabrani diskriminacije na osnovu...
by adnan | aug 14, 2015 | Experience, Nekategorisano
Fond za humanitarno pravo u saradnji sa Udruženjem Pravnik i Fondom za humanitarno pravo Kosovo, objavljuje konkurs za upis četvrte generacije studenata Regionalne škole tranzicione pravde, koja će se održati u Beogradu, od 16. do 23. oktobra 2015. godine O Školi...
by adnan | mar 17, 2015 | Nekategorisano
Prof. Dr. Eibe Riedel, member of the UN Committee for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, provided students with key concepts and definitions regarding human rights, with a particular emphasis on economic, cultural and social rights. Starting from thedefinition of...
by adnan | mar 13, 2015 | Nekategorisano, Slider
The number of alumni of ISSS is growing each year. Bellow are the names a universities of ALMUMNI to this date. Please mind that a significant number of our alumni has continued with their studies. Ainta Dervishi Albania University of Piraeus, Athens/Greece...
by adnan | mar 11, 2015 | Nekategorisano
Students paid a visit to the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and during the first part of the visit,they had an opportunity to see a video recording of a trial, held before the Section I for War Crimes of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the briefing with...
by adnan | mar 11, 2015 | Nekategorisano
Bringing justice to victims and peace to the region is still a challenge, Marijana told the participants. Deputy Director of the Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) Marijana Toma coordinates the Programme of Education on Strategies and Experiences of the Transitional...