International Summer School Sarajevo is dedicated to explore the effect transition had on legal systems of South-east European countries to respond to human rights challenges which where prevalent in the past. It will focus on transitional justice mechanisms as a holistic tool to respond to these issues.

Bellow is the list of ISSS lecturers…


Marijana Toma is working as the Coordinator of the Task force group for drafting the mandate for Regional Commission for establishment of facts on war crimes and other serious violations of human rights committed on the territory of former Yugoslavia 1991-2001 (RECOM). Read about her lecture at ISSS here…


Milos Bogicevic holds advanced degrees in both law and political science from University of Novi Sad and University College London. His professional experience include the Provincial Ombudsman of Vojvodina, International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Amnesty International and European Court of Human Rights. Read about his lecture at ISSS here…


Doris Pack is a German politician and former Member of the European Parliament (1989-2014). She has been very active in the region. Read about her lecture at ISSS here…



Retired General Jovan Divjak, well known humanist and philanthropist will help the students to experience more recent history of Sarajevo and see war paths.



Film maker Kemal Pervanic is the author of the acclaimed book “The Killing Days” about his experiences as a survivor of the Omarska concentration camp. His film “Pretty Village” examines survivors are rebuilding their lives and homes whilst their former neighbours and friends in the Serbian villages all around them remain in denial about what happened. Trailer is available here.