Ever since 2006 Association “Pravnik” has become a respected partner in the area of Transitional Justice, Rule of Law and Human Rights. Back in 2006 there were limited opportunities for young students to be mobile in South-East Europe.
Recognizing the importance of non-formal education member of the association have organized the first summer school in 2006. Ever since the International Summer School Sarajevo in strategic partnership with Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Rule of Law Programme for South-East Europe has become an integral part of the non-formal education in the region.
In this process the summer school was always support with the auspices of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Mayor of Sarajevo who have recognized the importance of the efforts of the Association.
ISSS also pioneered in the topic selection always aiming to provide students with contemporary topics aiming to provide its participants with knowledge and skills usually not provided at Universities. Since 2009 Association has invested a lot in promotion of the research conducted by ISSS alumni and every year their work is published in the International Journal.
Non-formal education is today much more available than it was back in 2006 and Association “Pravnik” is a recognised partner for many of our partner organisations.
Our partners include The Coalition for RECOM, Humanitarian Law Centre Belgrade, Humanitarian Law Centre Kosovo, International Centre for Transitional Justice, Youth Initiative for Human Rights, Centre for Human Rights, of the University of Sarajevo and many more.
Association “Pravnik” is a member of the Peace Network in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Justice Network in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Supporters of our work were OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, European Union Police Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mayor of Sarajevo , UNITIC and more.
The Rule of Law Programme South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is designed as a program to promote dialogue on rule of law issues within and among the countries in South East Europe. It aims to support, in a sustainable manner, the establishment and consolidation of a democratic state of the rule of the law. Read more…